Sat, Feb 3 2024 - Green Monster Icefall (View Original Event Details)

Event Coordinator(s): Julie
Participants:Julie, Gillian T, Peter H., Margherita

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Write Up:
The rain in the city was snow in Kananaskis making it a little difficult for trail finding. The trail was soft packed snow over ice. We had a few creek crossings over log bridges, rock hopping and a couple of questionable ice bridges. We were the first ones to break trail up the steep embankment leading to the chains and rope section. With the help of another twosome, we decided to cross the ice bridge to continue on the trail up to Green Monster Icefall. Once we arrived, so did four more groups. We had a quick lunch and headed back to encounter multiple large groups making their way through the technical section. The ice bridge that was solid when we crossed was now showing signs of a break so we quickly crossed around the hole. It was definitely warmer on the way back as the snow felt wet and sticky causing some clumping on our icers.