Sun, Feb 11 2007 - Tobogganing at Confederation Park (View Original Event Details)

Event Coordinator(s): David Meisner, Marg
Participants:Dave J, Deb S, jennifer r, Donald O, Kemper O, Marg, David Meisner, Charlene W, Matheu, John N, Sandy R, Karen N, Doug P

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Write Up:
What a great time we had tobogganning! Today was a picture perfect traditional winter day in Calgary, along with terrific snow conditions for sledding. There was a wide assortment of sleds available for everyone to try and several managed to navigate and stay upright on Matheu's snowboard as well. We finally managed to pry everyone away from the hill long enough to catch a quick bite at Jimmy's deli, where some planned further sledding at a different location - - hope it all went well! Some of the rest of us departed for an afternoon of x-country skiing. Terrific day - - terrific group! - Marg