Sat, Aug 30 2008 - Rockbound Lake (View Original Event Details)

Event Coordinator(s): Judy T
Participants:Judy T, Jamil S, Darlene S, Peyman M, Mehran E, Melanie Z, Christine T, Maria S, Susan M, Karen P, Francois H

Write Up:
We had a beautiful day for hiking - sunny but not too hot and with the occasional very sporadic flurry of what might have been snow. Rockbound climbs steadily through forest until just before Tower Lake when you finally start getting glimpses of the surrounding mountains.
We had a very brief stop at Tower Lake before tackling the steep climb up the headwall to Rockbound. A quick lunch and rest followed, due to the steady wind which was just a tad too cold. We made it back to the trailhead almost exactly when expected.
Thanks to a great group for the company and very interesting conversations! I hope to see you again when I get back from my trip.