Calgary Outdoor Club +More - Links


Weather Forecasts:
   - Kananaskis (Weather Network)
   - Nakiska Ridgetop
   - Banff (Weather Network)
   - Banff (Weather Office)
   - Lake Louise (Weather Network)
   - Bragg Creek (Weather Network)

Weather Info and Normals:
   - Canadian Weather Radar
   - Geostationary Weather Satellite
   - Calgary, Alberta, Canada - Sunrise, Sunset and Daylength
   - Sunrise/Sunset Calculator

   - Canmore
   - Banff and Lake Louise

Trail Reports:
   - Kananaskis Country Trail Reports
   - Banff National Park Trail Reports
   - Banff National Park Trail Bulletins
   - Kootenay National Park Trail Conditions Report
   - Kootenay National Park Bulletins
   - Yoho National Park Trail Conditions Report
   - Yoho National Park Bulletins
   - Jasper National Park Trail Conditions Report
   - Waterton National Park Trail Conditions Report
   - ACMG Mountain Conditions Report
   - Cross-Country Ski Conditions from Skier Roger
   - Alberta Ski Report

Other Conditions:
   - Avalanche Canada Warnings Map
   - Avalanche Canada Trip Planner
   - Alberta River Basins
   - FireSmoke Current Forecasts
   - Alberta Fire Bans
   - AMA Road Reports

Favorite Activity Info

   - Canadian Rockies Peak Finder
   - Ice Skating and Running at the Oval
   - Ice Skating in Calgary
   - Kananaskis Snow Shoe Trails
   - Parks Canada Online Campground Registration
   - Summer shuttle bus service up to Sunshine Meadows
   - Floating Authority: Derek Lenze's passion blog about kayaking, fishing, and other watersports
   - Walk, Jog, or Run - The Ultimate Hiking Guide
   - Play Outside Guide - Blog written by former COC President, Karen Ung
   - Boy Scout's Guide to Campfire Cooking

Outfitting and Supplies

   - Breathe Outdoors (formerly known as Campers Village)
   - Gem Trek Maps
   - Lee Valley Tools
   - Map Town
   - Sports Rent
   - U of C Outdoor Program Centre
   - Unightie - Support a COC Member Entrepreneur
   - Shoe Solutions - Support a Local Entrepreneur

Wildlife, Nature, Resources, Other

   - Friends of Kananaskis Country
   - Canadian Rockies Bear & Wildlife Safety | BanffandBeyond
   - Bow Valley Wild Smart
   - Tick Safety: Identification, Removal and Prevention
   - Wilderness First Aid Basics
   - First Aid for Unconscious Person
   - Leave No Trace from Wristband Resources

COC is not responsible for information that you will find at sites featured on our links page.

To suggest a link addition, please review our Links Policy to ensure that your link is a fit for our page, and then contact us.
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